- display your design in a web browser

Present your design in a professional way.

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The easiest way
to get feedback

Symu is an easy to use tool for web designers. With the help of our system you can present your projects in a browser. It is all very easy!

Your clients can add comments anywhere on a project, each added comment becomes a task to speed up the workflow!


Add a comment anywhere

Every added comment becomes a task

Awesome prototyping
tool for web designers

Symu gives you the ability to prepare a dynamic presentation for your websites.
Thanks to features such as fixed headers your project will be very similar to a finished site!

Our hotspots feature allows you to create a clickable model
Add a clickable area anywhere you like and create a dynamic design!


Fixed header

Clickable hotspots

Easy way to collaborate
with your team

Put together a team and work with your colleagues!
Both you and your colleagues will be able to upload your work to a shared folder!

Set permissions for your teammates
This will allow you to manage your teammates access and set roles within the team.



Managing every teammate

Workflow and
project management

Set the status of multiple projects in a single clever panel
Simply drag a project to the appropriate group and its status will change automatically!

Create a dependency tree with your projects, groups and subgroups
Our panel allows you to manage different projects from one accessible place!


Project workflow

Parent and sub groups

Join our growing community

Designers choose symu

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